Two-Minute Bible Videos
This page contains short (two minutes or less) video commentary/explanations of key passages of Scripture. These videos are also available on John Cimbala’s YouTube channel at .
Bible Passage Videos (arranged in order of the books of the Bible)
Genesis and Creation vs. Evolution:
TMBV: Competing Worldviews
In this short video, Professor John Cimbala looks at the definition of worldview and compares and contrasts two common worldviews, the Naturalistic Worldview and the Biblical Worldview. He shows how these two worldviews are mutually exclusive. Why does it matter? Our choice of worldview determines how we interpret and understand our universe and answers four major questions of life:
. Origin? (how we got here)
. Meaning? (why we are here)
. Morality? (how we behave)
. Destiny? (what happens to us after death)
TMBV: Creation, Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) Professor John M. Cimbala defines the Second Law of Thermodynamics for a closed system, which states (informally) that the amount of disorder naturally increases with time. (Processes go from ordered to disordered.) He then gives examples: A hot cup of coffee cools down in a room until the room air and the coffee reach the same temperature. The reverse does not happen because of the Second Law. Similarly, a star loses heat to space and eventually burns out. He then extends this to the entire universe, which can be considered a closed system since the universe includes everything (no mass or energy comes in or out of the universe). Since the available energy of the universe continually changes to unavailable energy because of the Second Law, the universe is winding down like a giant wind-up toy. Professor Cimbala illustrates this and shows that in order for the universe to be continually winding down, someone had to wind it up in the beginning! The only one capable of doing this is God Himself. Thus, the Second Law of Thermodynamics provides powerful evidence for a Creator God!
TMBV: The Word Translated as “Firmament” in Genesis 1
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala discusses some of the confusion caused by the unfortunate translation of the Hebrew word "raqia" as the old English word "firmament" (e.g., in the King James Version). He points out the different meanings of that Hebrew word, one of which involves spreading out. Modern translations of the Bible use the word "expanse" instead of "firmament." Expanse is a much better translation and agrees well with our knowledge of modern astronomy.
TMBV: Evolution and the Laws of Information
This Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) examines Genesis 1:1 and the ten fundamental laws of nature that apply to information. First, Professor Cimbala lists the ten laws. Then these laws of information are compared to the two competing models of origins - the evolution model and the creation model. The evolution model is not viable based on the laws of information theory because there is no known mechanism able to generate new DNA coding (information) for eyes or other new complex biological designs without an intelligent designer. The creation model, on the other hand, is viable based on the laws of information theory since this model of origins has a Creator God, who generated the DNA coding (information) for eyes and all other complex biological designs. Information cannot and does not come from purely random processes without intelligence. The laws of information preclude the evolution model, but validate the creation model!
TMBV: Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest: Gaining by Losing?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) Professor John M. Cimbala explains that survival of the fittest by natural selection is an observable fact. Mutations in reproductive cells cause small changes in offspring. The fittest offspring are the ones most likely to survive and pass on their genetic information. But how is "fitness" specified so that survival of the fittest by natural selection can do its work? Dr. Cimbala uses an analogy of car evolution: if fitness is specified as best gas mileage, the most "fit" car is one that has shed most of its weight. However, this “improvement” comes from getting rid of parts - information has been lost! This represents a decrease in complexity and a loss of usefulness! Evolution of living things works in much the same way - by removal (loss) of genetic information. Such mutations can be beneficial, depending on the environment where survival of the fittest does its job. For example, fish who live in dark caves have lost their eyes. While this is a beneficial mutation for their particular environment, there is a net loss of overall fitness and complexity. This is devolution not evolution, and provides powerful evidence for a Creator God!
TMBV: Does Genesis Support Creation or Evolution?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video, we count the occurrences of "create," "let," and "according to its kind" in Genesis 1. We find 28 occurrences of these words/phrases. The intent of Genesis 1 is clear: All life reproduces after its own kind, not different from its kind as required by evolution.
TMBV: Are Days of Genesis Literal?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video, we examine the text of Genesis 1 to answer the question: Are the days of Genesis literal 24-hour days? The word "day" (Hebrew word "yom") is always grouped with "evening and morning" and with a number (first, second, ...). Either of these groupings implies a literal 24-hour day, not long periods of time.
TMBV: Long Genesis Days Incompatible with Evolution
Two-Minute Bible Video: This short video compares the sequence of events according to the Evolution Model and the Creation Model. If the "days" of Genesis 1 and 2 were long periods of times (millions or billions of years), would evolution then be compatible with the creation account of Genesis? We show that while there is some alignment, there are many incompatibilities in which the sequence of events is out of whack. The Creation and Evolution Models are mutually exclusive and not compatible.
TMBV: Genesis Foundation for Christian Faith
Two-Minute Bible Video that lists ten foundational theological concepts of the Christian faith that are introduced first in Genesis 1-3: There is an Almighty God, He did not use evolution to create, the 7-day week and the Sabbath day, marriage, Satan, man's rebellion and sin, pain and suffering as a result of sin, death as God's punishment for sin, the substitutionary sacrifice and shedding of blood for sin, and the promise of a coming Savior. All of these are introduced in the first three chapters of the Bible!
TMBV: Are Cavemen and Ape-Men Mentioned in the Bible?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala examines Scripture to see if cavemen and/or ape-men are mentioned. It turns out that cavemen are mentioned several times in the Bible! Examples include Lot, Samson, David, and Elijah, all of whom spent time living (sometimes hiding) in caves. Caves are safe, comfortable, protected places to live - cool in the summer and warm in the winter. There are even millions of people today who live in caves! But what about ape-men? Ape-men are never mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Why? Because there were no ape-men! The Bible clearly states that human beings were created in the image of God, fully human from the very beginning. Likewise no fossils or bones of bonafied ape-men have ever been discovered or dug up. Why? Because they never existed. There is no such thing as an "ape-man!" In fact, all such claims of fossil ape-men are either (1) fully human, (2) fully ape, (3) some other creature, or (4) a hoax. Human beings did not evolve from some kind of ape-like creature. Don't confuse cavemen with ape-men. There is no such thing as an ape-man!
TMBV: Long Lifespans in Genesis
The Bible claims that ancient people lived for over 900 years! How can this be? In this Two-Minute Bible Video, we explain how genetic mutations and the vastly depleted genetic pool after Noah's Flood contributed to the shortening of human lifespan. All human genetic material was lost during the Flood except for that found in Noah and his family since everyone else on earth was killed. Furthermore, Noah was 500 years old when he had his first son! The DNA in his sperm had all those years to accumulate mutations, and these mutations (mistakes) were passed on to subsequent generations - all the way to us today. The fact that we live less than 10% as long as the patriarchs is clear evidence that we have devolved, not evolved!
TMBV: Mathematical Analysis of Lifespan Decay in the Book of Genesis
This is a follow-up to a previous Two-Minute Bible Video called Long Lifespans in Genesis. I received some criticism because I drew the "exponential decay" curve by hand. People questioned the validity of calling the decay of life spans after Noah an "exponential decay." In the present video I show how I derived a mathematical best (least-squared error) fit for the exponential curve, fixing both ends of the curve. The beginning of the decay curve was set to the predicted life span of Noah based an a linear fit of the life spans up to and including Noah. The end of the decay curve is at infinity - I set the asymptote to 70 years because of a Bible verse in Psalm 90 that says our our life spans are 70 years. My best-fit exponential curve turned out to differ somewhat from my original hand-drawn curve, but not by much. My original hand-drawn curve was not so bad after all. The mathematically sound curve fit described in this video shows that life spans indeed decayed exponentially after Noah. You can watch my previous video to find out how this may have happened based on genetics.
TMBV: Does the Geological Column Support Evolution or Creation?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala compares two models of explanation for the observed geological column - the evolutionary model and the creation/flood model. He first describes the geological column and how the two models attempt to explain its formation. Then he compares how these two models account for these four unusual strata formations:
. Sea stacks
. The Grand Canyon
. Curved rock strata
. Ploystrate tree fossils
For each case, he shows how one can explain these formations using the two models using two different thinking caps - the evolutionary thinking cap and the creation/flood thinking cap. The creation/flood model is shown to offer a better explanation for how these strata formed, especially the latter two.
Dr. Cimbala concludes with this statement" "The geological column represents a snapshot in time, rather than a record of change over time!".
TMBV: Fossils – Evidence for Evolution or a Global Flood?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala compares the two mutually exclusive models of explanation for fossils found in the geological column - the Evolutionary Model and the Creation/Flood Model. He emphasizes that the two models are in agreement that fossils formed by sedimentation due to flooding. The main difference is the number of floods and their magnitudes. Then he compares how these two models account for observed fossils. The evidence is strongly in favor of a flood that was global, recent, and rapid. Thus, the Creation/Flood model is shown to offer a better explanation for how fossils formed, and that the Bible is true and reliable.
TMBV: Horizontal Strata in a Beverage Bottle!
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala demonstrates how nearly horizontal strata, like those of the Grand Canyon and elsewhere, could have been formed in the aftermath of a global flood. To demonstrate, he shows how you can generate similar but smaller strata in a beverage bottle. Just add particles of various sizes, densities, and colors. Add water, mix, and let settle. The strata form automatically due to sedimentation since larger, heavier particles fall more quickly than lighter particles. This is one experiment that you can easily try at home! Professor Cimbala explains how a similar process formed some of the layering observed within indivisual strata of the Grand Canyon. Note, however, that the thousands of feet of overall strata were formed by more complex mechanisms, as briefly discussed in the video. The account of the global flood of Noah is true; the Bible helps to explain scientific observations such as horizontal strata.
TMBV: Was Noah’s Ark Suitable for Its Given Task?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala presents an inquiry into the credibility of Noah' Ark. Specifically, he looks at the dimensions of Noah's Ark, as described in Genesis 6. He shows some artistic interpretations of what Noah's Ark may have looked like, most of which are comical and silly and don’t match what the Bible clearly tells us about its actual shape and size. The actual Ark was huge - the equivalent volume of 500 railroad stock cars! He explains how Noah's Ark had plenty of room to hold all the animals plus eight people, as well as for all the food they would need. He then shows how the actual Noah’s Ark provided a nearly optimal balance of all three extremes of rectangular ship design: comfort, stability, and strength. Professor Cimbala summarizes by pointing out that Noah's Ark was both large enough and the ideal shape for its given task. Noah's Ark was REAL, and the Bible is true and reliable.
TMBV: Moses Brother Aaron and Evolution
In this short video, we examine the lie Aaron told to his brother Moses about the calf idol. He said he threw gold into the fire, and out popped the golden calf! What an implausible story! Similarly, evolutionists believe that we had molecules floating around in primordial soup, and out popped life! That is even more implausible! In either case, complexity does not arise without an intelligent designer. Both of these stories are false.
Taking the Bite out of Some “ites” in the Bible
Are you sometimes confused by all the "ites" in the Bible - Amalekites, Ammonites, Canaanites, Edomites, Ephraimites, Ishmaelites, Levites, Midianites, Moabites? Who were these people groups and from where did they come? In this 3-minute video, John Cimbala explains how each of these people groups were named and goes into more detail about four of them.
General Bible Lessons (mini-sermon videos)
TMBV: The ABCs of Salvation
In this short video, Professor John Cimbala explains the well-known ABCs of Salvation - how to become a Christian in three simple ABC steps:
A. Admit that you have sinned against God
B. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ paid for your sins
C. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and repent
If you are ready to receive salvation in the name of Jesus Christ, Dr. Cimbala leads you in the Sinner's Prayer at the end of the video.
The Romans Road to Salvation
Are you familiar with the Romans Road to Salvation? In this 3.5-minute video, John Cimbala walks through several scripture passages from the book of Romans to explain the six steps along the Romans Road: the problem, the consequence, the solution, the response, the result, and the promise.
ChatGPT and the Bible: Is Artificial Intelligence Reliable?
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (which is actually 3 minutes long), John Cimbala asks ChatGPT some Bible questions to see if its answers are accurate and reliable. He finds that ChatGPT gives accurate information about historical facts related to the Bible and is usually correct about Bible passages. But he shows an example where its answer is flat-out wrong! It seems that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not yet fit for prime time.
TMBV: If God Used Them, God Can Use You!
Do you ever feel inadequate? Do you ever doubt whether God can use you because of your failings? Well, he can! In this short Bible study, Dr. John Cimbala lists three dozen imperfect people from the Bible whom God used mightily. Even murderers and prostitutes!
TMBV: A Biblical Perspective On Race
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) Professor John M. Cimbala first shows some Bible passages that explain how all humans are descended from the same two people (Adam and Eve). Then he discusses what the Bible has to say about race. In short, the Bible talks about how people groups are distinguished by nations, tribes, and languages, but never by skin color. Yet skin color is the the cultural standard for “race.” Dr. Cimbala then shows examples of siblings and even twins that have different color skin. How can twins be different races? They can't! From both common sense and a Biblical perspective, race should not be defined by skin color, hair color, height, or any other physical feature. There is only one race - the human race!
TMBV: Grasping the Four Gospels
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala compares the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. All four are accounts of the life of Jesus Christ, but each gospel is unique. We compare the author of each gospel, the primary intended audience of each gospel, the overall theme of each gospel, how each gospel portrays Jesus, and some uniqe aspects of each gospel. You are urged to read and study all four gospels!Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
TMBV: Sins of Commission; Sins of Omission
In this 2.5-minute Bible Video, John Cimbala examines several Bible passages that deal with two main categories of sin - sins of commission and sins of omission. He gives examples of each and then discusses how we can be forgiven of both of these kinds of sins.
TMBV: What Was So Great About John the Baptist?
In Matthew 11, Jesus calls John the Baptist the greatest man who ever lived. Why? What did John do that was so great? He wasn't one of the Twelve Apostles. He didn't write any of the books of the Bible. He never even performed a miracle! So whay was he so great? In this short video, Professor John M. Cimbala uses several Scripture passages to help us find out why.
TMBV: Fulfilled Prophecies About Jesus Christ
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala examines seven Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah (Christ) and shows how each of them has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ as described in the New Testament. There are hundreds of similar fulfilled prophecies that are not even mentioned in this short video due to time constraints. May this video encourage you to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior and to grow in your faith!
TMBV: The Names of the Twelve Apostles
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV), Professor John M. Cimbala compares the lists of names of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. These lists are found in Matthew 10, Mark 3, Luke 6, and Acts 1. Like today, people back then often had more than one name. This helps to harmonize the four lists. For example, Peter is also called Simon, and Thaddaeus is also called Judas (not the same as Judas Iscariot). After harmonizing the lists, Dr. Cimbala gives some interesting tidbits about these twelve men.
TMBV: It's Okay to Doubt!
If you ever have doubts about your faith, this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) should give you some encouragement. Professor John M. Cimbala looks at three Biblical characters who expressed doubts about Jesus:
1. Doubting Thomas. He was famous (or maybe infamous) because of his doubts about Jesus' resurrection from the dead. But Jesus provided Thomas with the evidence he needed to believe. Jesus strengthened Thomas’ faith in spite of his doubt.
2. The father of a demon-possessed boy. This man wanted to believe that Jesus could heal his son, but he struggled with his faith and had doubts. His famous line in response to Jesus is “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Jesus strengthened this father’s faith and healed his son.
3. John the Baptist. After John was thrown into prison, he doubted that Jesus was the Messiah! But Jesus provided John with the evidence he needed to strengthen his faith and quash his doubts. Even after John's doubts, Jesus called him the greatest person ever born of women! Jesus strengthened John’s faith that He was the Messiah.
In summary, you are not the only one who has occasional doubts about your faith. We all do! What can we learn from the three men discussed in this short video? Just as Jesus gave these three men the evidence they needed and strengthened their faith, so He can do with you when you doubt. Don’t fret; it’s okay to doubt!
TMBV: Two Biblical Men Named Lazarus
This Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) compares and connects the two men named Lazarus in the Bible. I call the first one Beggar Lazarus. He appears as part of an account Jesus tells about this Beggar Lazarus and an unnamed rich man. They both die. Beggar Lazarus goes to a place of comfort, but the rich man goes to a place of torment. The rich man begs for Father Abraham to send Beggar Lazarus back to his brothers. But he is told that his brothers would not believe even if someone came back from the dead. This is where the second Lazarus comes in. I call him Friend Lazarus because he was one of Jesus' closest friends. This Friend Lazarus also died. But Jesus brought him back to life! How did the religious leaders respond? They made plans to kill Jesus! Later they made plans to kill Lazarus also! So Jesus' prediction came true - a man named Lazarus DID come back from the dead, but some people still refused to repent and believe. I am convinced that these two accounts are connected. It was not coincidence that these two men had the same name, Lazarus. God orchestrated all of this to show how hard people's hearts would be. What about YOU? Are you convinced that Jesus rose from the dead and can give you eternal life?
TMBV: Doubting Thomas – The Engineer Apostle
In this two-minute video, Professor John Cimbala examines the life of the Apostle Thomas. Of Jesus' twelve Apostles, Thomas was the one most like an engineer:
. He thought about worst-case scenarios.
. He was more logical than the others.
. He needed more evidence than the others did.
Although Thomas is best-known for his doubts (his nickname is “Doubting Thomas”), he was detail-oriented and meticulous, thinking deeply before taking action. Thomas thought like an engineer! Thomas was a lot like me! What about you?
Which Sins Keep People From Going To Heaven?
In this 3-minute video, John Cimbala examines several Bible passages which contain a list of specific sins that keep people from entering heaven. Fortunately, however, he also shows that there is also some good news - a way to avoid this eternal condemnation!
What Does The Bible Say About Heaven?
In this 2.5-minute Bible Video, John Cimbala examines several Bible passages about heaven - how we get there and what it will be like. You will learn that heaven is a place of unspeakable beauty, where those who believe in Jesus Christ will live forever with him.
TMBV: How to Discern God’s Will Regarding Sexual Immorality
In this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) Professor John M. Cimbala first points out some Scripture passages that reveal the general will of God for us, such as believing in Jesus Christ to gain eternal life and doing good rather than evil. He then points out a few Scripture passages that reveal the specific will of God for us, such as not getting drunk on wine, rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks. The video concentrates on a passage in 1 Thessalonians 4 where we read God's will concerning sexual immorality (any sexual activity outside of marriage). The will of God is stated explicitly in this passage: avoid sexual immorality. A warning is also issued: The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins. Dr. Cimbala then tackles several common objections to this passage and explains why the objections can be dismissed. The bottom line is unavoidable - God's will is that we avoid sexual immorality!
TMBV: Are We Living in the Last Days?
In this short video, Professor John Cimbala examines some Bible passages related to the last days, also referred to as the last times or the last hour. In these passages we see that the phrase "the last days" refers to an extended time period from the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven until his [future] return to earth, and that we are certainly IN the last days now. So... What should you do? BE READY!
Easter Videos
TMBV: We Are All Barabbas!
In this short video, Professor John Cimbala explains the significance of Barabbas, the criminal whom Pilate released in place of Jesus. You will see that even Barabbas' name has significance! Jesus gave his life as a substitute for Barabbas. In the same way, Jesus was sacrificed as a substitute for the sins of each of us!
Eyewitnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection
How many people were eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection? In this three-minute video, Dr. John Cimbala examines the scriptures to calculate the bare minimum number of people who saw Jesus Christ between the time of his resurrection and his ascension. Throughout the video, he keeps a running total of the minimum number of eyewitnesses as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and 1 Corinthians. The total number may surprise you!
TMBV: Contradictions in the Four Resurrection Accounts? Part 1
In this Two-Minute Bible Video, I carefully studied all four gospel accounts of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and generated a possible sequence of events (chronology) that agrees with all four accounts. It involves some speculation about who went to the tomb and when, and requires Mary Magdalene to go to the tomb more than once. Nevertheless, when it is all put together in chronological order, there is no contradiction with any of the gospel narratives. The apparent contradictions often put forth by skeptics are shown not to be contradictions at all. Thus, the Bible is accurate and reliable, as it claims! There is a second video (TMBV: Contradictions in the Four Resurrection Accounts? Part 2, ) that carefully blends all four gospel accounts into one single narrative, using color coding to indicate from where each portion of the narrative comes. For further details you can download a free PDF file of the above plus additional explanations and a Bible study at or you can purchase a full-color 8.5x11-inch booklet containing all of the above for $6.08 (which is the lowest price allowed by Amazon, with author royalty set at $0). See the book at Visit for more videos, Bible studies, books, devotionals, comics, and other Christian resources.
TMBV: Contradictions in the Four Resurrection Accounts? Part 2
This is Part 2 of a two-part series of Two-Minute Bible Videos. In Part 1 (TMBV: Contradictions in the Four Resurrection Accounts? Part 1, ), I carefully studied all four gospel accounts of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and generated a possible sequence of events (chronology) that agrees with all four accounts. It involves some speculation about who went to the tomb and when, and requires Mary Magdalene to go to the tomb more than once. Nevertheless, when it is all put together in chronological order, there is no contradiction with any of the gospel narratives. The apparent contradictions often put forth by skeptics are shown not to be contradictions at all. Thus, the Bible is accurate and reliable, as it claims! In Part 2 I carefully blended all four gospel accounts into one single narrative, using color coding to indicate from where each portion of the narrative comes. For further details you can download a free PDF file of the above plus additional explanations and a Bible study at or you can purchase a full-color 8.5x11-inch booklet containing all of the above for $6.08 (which is the lowest price allowed by Amazon, with author royalty set at $0). See the book at Visit for more videos, Bible studies, books, devotionals, comics, and other Christian resources.
Christmas Videos
TMBV: Where Did Jesus Christ Come From?
Supposed contradictions in the Bible are examined in this Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV). There are Old Testament (OT) prophecies that claim the Messiah (Christ) will come from Bethlehem, from Egypt, and from Galilee. How can he come from all three places? Is this a legitimate contradiction? Professor John M. Cimbala discusses these OT prophecies and how each of them was fulfilled in the New Testament (NT) by Jesus, the Christ. May this video encourage you to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior and to grow in your faith!
TMBV: The DNA of Jesus Christ
This Two-Minute Bible Video (TMBV) examines various options concerning Jesus' DNA. The Bible is clear that Jesus was fully human but also fully divine. In this short video we consider the humanity of Jesus. Since He was born of a virgin (Mary), Jesus would have received half of His DNA from Mary. But what was the source of the other half? The short, simple answer is God. But in this video we look at this question in more detail. We examine four options:
(1) The male part of Jesus' DNA came from a man (perhaps Joseph?). This would negate the miraculous virgin birth and is unbiblical.
(2) Jesus was a clone of Mary, other than the Y chromosome which God had to divinely create and implant. This option is possible but not likely due to reasons discussed in the video.
(3) All of Jesus' DNA was divinely created by God and implanted into Mary's womb. This would enable Jesus to be perfect, without genetic defects. This option is also possible but not likely due to reasons discussed in the video.
(4) The female portion of Jesus' DNA came from Mary and the male portion came from God. This option is the most viable but also has some issues, which are discussed in the video.
The bottom line is that we cannot know for sure from where the male part of Jesus' DNA came or what it was like, and many questions remain. Was it Jewish DNA? Was it Adam's DNA? Was Jesus genetically perfect (without any mutations) as Adam had been? If so, Mary's DNA would have to have been divinely purified or repaired when she conceived Jesus in her womb. Regardless of how we reconcile these issues, we conclude that Mary was the source of the female portion of Jesus' DNA, and God was the source and father of the male portion of Jesus' DNA. Thus, Jesus is indeed both Son of God and Son of Man!
TMBV: Jesus Rightful King of Israel
Two-Minute Bible Video: This short video explains how Jesus Christ was the rightful King of Israel. We look at Chapter 1 of Matthew where the genealogy of Jesus is traced all the way back to Abraham. Since Jesus was in the line of firstborn sons from David's son Solomon on down, Jesus would have been the rightful king if Israel had become a nation during his lifetime. Jesus Christ was not just the son of some obscure carpenter, he was the rightful King of Israel! And since Jesus died and rose again, he STILL IS the Rightful King of Israel!
TMBV: The Significance of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
Two-Minute Bible Video: The Significance of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. This video explains the significance of the three unusual gifts brought by the wise men (also known as Magi) as mentioned in Matthew Chapter 2. It turns out that each one of them is significant. Gold represents kingship, and Jesus is the King of Kings! Frankincense represents the priesthood, and Jesus is our High Priest! Myrrh represents death, and Jesus died for us! When you really think about it, these three gifts were not strange at all!